This blog will tell you a little about the kinds of things I do at the Library and show you around the Children's Department.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Willie Ann Hines is a Star
Congratulations Mrs. Willie Ann Hines for winning the Star Guessing Contest. Great Job. Thank you for being a faithful patron of the Public Library of Johnston County and Smithfield.
Think about taking Travel Bear with you this Summer. Travel Bear has enjoyed lots of vacations
Ladybugs Welcome
The children's area is a warm and happy place to visit.
Downtown Smithfield
A Growing Town and a Busy Library meet on the corner of Market and Third.
Elaine Forman
Presbyterian Preschool
Every year since 1992 Presbyterian Preschool has been walking over to the Library for a weekly Wednesday program. Here is Melissa Pilkington in her classroom. On days when it rains or is really, really cold I go to them to do their program.
Elaine Forman at Johnston County Heritage Quilt Show
I proudly put the HUH Quilt on display at the 2nd Annual Johnston County Heritage Quilt Show. The Quilt was made for me in 2007 by members of Homeschoolers Unfolding History.
I am a recent widow and happy grandmother who loves History, Art, Gardening, Home Decor,I like to cook and I don't mind ironing clothes. There is something therapeutic about getting the wrinkles out. I love butterflies.
If no one will read to me, then I shall read to Myself.
HUH Groups earn 1st Place while Honoring Troops
HUH Groups took First Place Honors at the Princeton Veterans Day Parade
Civil War at the Library
That's OK they are Friendly
Technorati link
Blogs for "Share a Story Shape a Future
Elaine Forman Children's Librarian Specialist
I love my job.
Jan Brett
Jan Brett is introduced to the audiance by Rosemary (children's staff) at Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh.
Kiwanis Club Donors of Story Time Clubhouse
In 2003 the Story Time Clubhouse opened it's doors thanks to the Kiwanis Club and their wonderful service to children. Thank you Kiwanis Club.
The World is Yours
Where you are now is only the starting point for where you can go.
North Carolina Museum of History
This is me on the left at the Board Meeting of the Tar Heel Junior Historians Advisory Board September 2008.
Red Hat Doll
A Constant Friend
Saint Patrick's Day
Library Patrons here for Eric Carle's Very Hungry Caterpillar
We the People
Recently I shared these books about Abraham Lincoln with K-4th students. The books are a special collection from The bookshelf of We the People.
Pam Earp and her Cornhusk Dolls
She came to a HUH meeting and shared her Cornhusk Dolls which she sells every year at the NC State Fair.
Hedgie who appears in many of Jan Brett's books makes an appearance at Quail Ridge Books on November 3, 2008.
J598 Birds
This Cardinal is on our Mural above the Beginner Readers but if you are looking for a book about birds you need to go to the Non-Fiction section and look for J598.
Cozy spots to sit and read.
There are many places in the Children's Department to sit and read a good book.
Little Tables for Little Friends
Children will often come in and read books, such as these board books, while sitting at the little tables.
HUH Award winning project on display at the North Carolina Museum of History
I love it when HUH wins an award at the state convention, because then the project will be on display at the Museum for one year. The signage always says Homeschoolers Unfolding History, Public Library of Johnston County and Smithfield.
Something for Everyone
Merry Tales by Nancy, Story Star by Elaine, Spot 4 Tots by Nancy and Elaine.
Decor serves as Landmarks
It was fun to decorate the Children's area with baskets, flowers and other cute things. I will often tell people where to find things by pointing out a basket on top of the appropriate shelf.
The American Flag
These flags were recently used by HUH Groups for the Pledge of Allegience during a HUH meeting held downstairs in the Children's Department.
Duckie Yates speaks to HUH
Duckie Yates from Blue Star Mothers spoke to HUH and made us all want to salute a soldier for their service to our country.
Former Guest Speakers at the Library
Helen Smith, Sion Harrington and Ann Sasser have all been guest speakers for HUH Groups at the Library.
ART Projects
I have my own little Museum of Art projects which HUH Groups members have made in past years. They include The Wright Brothers, Blockade Runner, State Fair, Catch-me-eye, Vicks Vapor Rub and the Battle of Blackbeard.
Blog for Homeschoolers Unfolding History
Click on picture of computer screen to visit the HUH Blog.
Awards won by HUH Groups members
These are all First Place Awards.
Reading...more than a hobby
If children are read to when they are young they will be more likely to love reading as they get older
Fairy Tales
Mural closeup on the Clubhouse
The Swan Aisle
Locate the Swan to find the Biographies
Holiday Books
Recently I've been working to weed out old books or share duplicates with other Libraries in the County.
The Noah's Ark Basket
Noah's Ark on the handle of this basket is the landmark for the beginning of the Juvenile Fiction. These books are in order by the author's last name.
Biography Aisle
Special stickers on the spine of Biography help patrons to identify Sports Figures, Presidents, Native Americans, African Americans and star stickers denote Autobiographies.
OPAC computers for Patrons
This is one of the computers that Patrons use to earch for books etc that they want. My computer is not far from this one so I can ask people if they need help and can some times help them without looking at their computer screen. Many times I walk around the Children's Desk to see what they are viewing in order to better serve them.
In Memory of Lauder and Mary McKinney
Day Care Kits
I started making Day Care Kits in 1992 and they are just as popular now as they were in the beginning. I've turned over Day Care Kit production to Nancy now and this year I asked her to Streamline the kits.
Lots of Square Feet
When you consider that what is now the Children's Department used to be the whole Library, that is a lot of space for a two person Department.
Frequent answer to OPAC question
Most frequently I will answer a question with a question and that question is "Have you clicked the word Availability to see who has the book you want?"
One Saturday Each Month
I work at the Circulation Desk on one Saturday Each Month.
Hank the Cowdog
In the Juvenile Fiction section there is a group of books called Hank the Cowdog. I also try to order Hank the Cowdog on CD for the kids.
Christmas Joy
Red and green are sprinkled all about
Christmas Tree at Festival of Trees
Homeschoolers Unfolding History have decorated a tree every year at the Festival of Trees. When the Festival is finished HUH members undecorate the tree and place the ornaments on the Library tree for all the Patrons who come in to enjoy.
Fall Decor
Thank you Janet!
A good time to read a Good Book.
November 3, 2008 in Raleigh
Jan Brett draws the Gingerbread Baby from her new book Gingerbread Friends.
Catch the Reading Bug 2008
Summer Reading at the Library was all about Bugs. It was a busy, fun and educational event. More children than ever enrolled and read for more hours than ever before. It was a huge success.
Summer 2007
When Children registered to keep track of their reading for the summer they got their name on a puzzle piece.
Mailbox on Copier
My mailbox on the copier has lots of frequently used forms stored to be printed when I need them. I love this feature about this copier.
Labels for Books in Children's Department
I have a unique set of labels that I use in the Children's area on the spines of books.
It takes lots of supplies
Lots of Arts and Crafts supplies stand to be used for programs and projects.
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