Sunday, December 28, 2008

Homeschoolers Unfolding History Perform at the Festival of Trees

Jonathan Starke in Colonial Costume
Beautiful music

Thank you Students

HUH members and a few parents bring Christmas joy to
the Festival of Trees at the Johnston Medical Mall

Many people commented on what lovely music
was shared by Homeschoolers Unfolding History

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Festival of Trees at Johnston Medical Mall 2008

Erin Allen works on ornaments for tree.

Erin Allen and Jessie Auge work together to make
the tree lovely.

Tristany Roper adds some wooden pieces to the
HUH tree.

Caitlyn Allen was our guiding light for a color theme
and the use of wooden ornaments. Good thinking.

Tristany Roper, Elise Allen and a few of the guys.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Abraham Lincoln, We the People Bookshelf

Students attended the K-4th grade H.E.L.P. program
devoted to a study of Abraham Lincoln.

These are a few of the titles that were donated
to the Library by the "We the People Bookshelf".

Abraham Lincoln is one of my favorite Presidents.

H.E.L.P. study of Clara Barton and the Red Cross

The Red Cross Flag was modeled after the Swiss flag.

Clara Barton was a compassionate woman who wanted
to relieve the suffering of others. She expanded the Red Cross
to include serving the needs of those involved
in natural disasters as well as victims of wars.

Some of the books available for the K-4th graders and parents to read
more about Clara Barton and the Red Cross.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mary Hamilton visits the Children's Department

Mary Hamilton is a long time friend of mine and Nancy.
It is always a special day when she comes in for some books
to read and comes to the Children's Department to visit.

Nancy and Mary have enjoyed a long term friendship.

Memories of Christmas Past come to mind in the Library.

Two of my dear friends enjoy a brief but lovely visit.

More memories await our friends with dreams of many
Christmas Joys in years to come.
Thank you to all our Library Friends who bring
their friendly smiles into
the Children's Department.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cynthia Moscarito makes friends with Story Stars

Cynthia Moscarito came to the Public Library of Johnston County and Smithfield on Tuesday December 2, 2008 to share her book "We Can Be Friends" with children and parents attending the Story Stars program.
Children explore the huge cupcake on display
with the Laura Numeroff book "I You Give a
Cat a Cupcake". The program theme on Tuesday was friends.
Children sang the birthday song to Zack and sang the ABC birthday cake song as well.
It was a great day for friends and families to share some happy new memories with friends.
Cynthia Moscarito shares her story about the publication of her new book.
Thank you Cynthia Moscarito for coming to the Public Library of Johnston County and Smithfield to read your new book. Thanks.